The Office of Personnel Management’s backlog of retirement claims dropped by 2,259 in May. OPM received 6,096 claims, just over 2,200 fewer than in April, which saw 8,298. OPM processed 8,355 claims, bringing down the inventory backlog to 18,125, the lowest it has been since June 2020, when it reached 17,432.
OPM still has improvements to make, as the inventory backlog is more than 5,000 claims above the steady state goal of 13,000.
OPM’s average processing time did not make any progress in May; it took 71 days, one more day compared to the previous month. OPM said the retirement cases completed in less than 60 days, on average, took 37 days to process. Cases completed in more than 60 days, however, took an average of 117 days to process.