open source

Civilian Cloud Exchange '24 CMS

Cloud Exchange 2024: CMS’ Andrea Fletcher, Remy DeCausemaker on extending digital services through open source

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services sees The Centers for Medicaid & Medicavalue and ease of open source software in developing new capabilities…

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DoD Cloud Exchange: IBM’s Hillery Hunter and Red Hat’s Stephanie Chiras

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Publicly available information: Risks, benefits, and ‘why there needs to be a change’

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Courtesy of AFCEA NOVA 2018 Joint and Combat Support Agency IT Day

Emerging threat to warfighters required new thinking by DoD’s JIDO

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Head shot of Mike Olson

An outsider’s view of innovation

Mike Olson, chief strategy officer at Cloudera, joins host John Gilory on this week’s Federal Tech Talk to discuss agile software development, open source,…

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Amid congressional mandate to open source DoD’s software code, serves as guidepost

The Defense Digital Service aims to help DoD’s software developers and program managers transition their code to the open source community.

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Top predictions for 2018 point towards security and innovation

When thinking about future trends, it’s important to have a strong understanding of the important innovations impacting most sectors, and pair that understanding with an intuition around what impacts those innovations will have to most organizations in 2018.

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