Accelerating Government with ACT-IAC – Episode 25: Climate Change
On this episode of Accelerating Government, host Dave Wennergren and his guests discuss technology efforts that are supporting the government’s climate…
On this episode of Accelerating Government, host Dave Wennergren and his guests discuss technology efforts that are supporting the government’s climate…
Pete Tseronis, chair of the Federal IPV-6 Task Force, explains what it means to run out of IPV-4 addresses.
After meetings between agencies, the CIO Council\’s panel is concerned that even if agencies meet OMB\’s 2012 deadline to make the switch, their Internet…
Agencies must make their data networks compliant with the IPv6 protocol now. The government and private industry face a looming crisis as Internet addresses defined by an increasingly dated technical protocol run out, possibly as early as next year. Agencies must first upgrade external servers to run the new protocol.