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  • The bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting identified between $31 billion and $60 billion lost to waste and fraud in U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The commission’s final report, issued in September 2011, provided the…

    April 17, 2012
  • The Social Security Administration came under fire for a three-day, $700,000 conference in Phoenix for about 700 SSA managers. Agency officials said the conference would help employees learn how to reduce stress caused by an…

    April 17, 2012
  • A 2008 inspector general’s report uncovered widespread graft and ethical violations at the Minerals Management Service, the Interior Department agency responsible for collecting oil and gas royalties. According to the report, which excoriated the agency’s…

    April 17, 2012
  • The General Services Administration is no stranger to controversy. Lurita Doan, who served as the head of GSA between 2006-2008, resigned amid allegations she tried to steer a $30,000 no-bid contract to a friend and…

    April 17, 2012
  • Azeezaly Jaffer, the former vice president for public affairs and communications at the U.S. Postal Service, found himself in hot water after an inspector general report listed more than $46,000 in questionable spending and allegations…

    April 17, 2012
  • The American Federation of Government Employees has asked the Office of Special Counsel to investigate the case of a VA doctor who believes she was unfairly targeted by superiors due to her critical Senate testimony.

    April 17, 2012
  • Disgraced Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his dealings with Bush administration officials and lawmakers alike gripped the Hill for some two years. Abramoff was first indicted for fraud in connection with a 2000 casino deal…

    April 17, 2012
  • The Air Force’s next-generation tanker deal has had a long, tortured procurement history. And Darleen Druyun, the former No. 2 acquisition official at the Air Force, has played no small part in that saga. Druyun,…

    April 17, 2012
  • The Defense Department may be the single largest energy consumer on the planet, but it can be the greatest energy conserver, too. That's according to a new Air Force in a new video called "The Five Things Every Airman Should Know About Energy."

    April 17, 2012
  • On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.

    April 17, 2012
  • Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, Zach Lemnios (LEM knee ohss), says 60 million dollars in new solicitations will be aimed at everything from autonomous more natural interactions between machines and people.

    April 17, 2012
  • A former General Services Administration executive created a culture of lavish spending — and fear among his employees who spoke up against him — according to testimony in a House subcommittee hearing today.

    April 17, 2012
  • Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says he regrets the cost to taxpayers of his weekend trips to his California home, which cost about $32,000.00. The Associated Press reports, Panetta says he is looking for ways to find savings, but also says it is healthy to get out of Washington to get some perspective at his Monterey farm. Panetta is required to travel on military aircraft so he can remain in constant, secure contact with the White House.

    April 17, 2012
  • John Palguta, vice president for policy at the Partnership for Public Service, told The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Koppabout what the hot hiring areas are and how agencies are trying to connect the right people with the right opportunities.

    April 17, 2012