Security clearances in the age of COVID-19: An update
This week on Fed Access, Evan Lesser, founder and president of, joins host Derrick Dortch to give us an update on how the security clearance p...
August 7, 20208:30 pm
< a min read
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This week on Fed Access, Evan Lesser, founder and president of, joins host Derrick Dortch to discuss how the security clearance process is being impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
According to Lesser, many federal employees with security clearances are currently working from home due to the pandemic, and he says the federal managers he’s surveyed, believe teleworking has not been the national security disaster that many of them thought it would be. In fact, he says he expects that even after a vaccine for Covid-19 is developed, national security officials may take another look at what work from home means for cleared professionals and how it can be more effective.
Lesser also said the job market continues to be good for workers with security clearances, especially those working in cybersecurity, software development, and systems engineering and hardware.
From how to win government jobs and contracts, to veterans issues to the latest national security challenges, host Derrick T. Dortch gives you the access needed to succeed. Subscribe to Fed Access’ audio interviews on Apple Podcasts or Podcast One.