Splunk: Helping federal agencies manage their data
Bill Wright is the senior director of North American Government Affairs at Splunk, joins host John Gilroy on this week's Federal Tech Talk to discuss how his co...
December 8, 20214:13 pm
1 min read
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It will be no surprise to a federal IT leaders to read the study from Deltek where they project $2.1 billion to be spent on cloud services in 2022. Also, no look of shock when Jason Miller reports that the typical federal agency used seven different cloud services.
The shock comes when new technology approaches force an agency to get a grasp on managing this deluge of data. Today’s data could be generated from automated systems, sensors in the ocean, or even a mere mortal. A lighthearted way to look at classifying today’s data is structured, unstructured and unexpected.
Bill Wright is the senior director of North American Government Affairs at Splunk and he suggests that getting a handle on machine data can provide the leverage that federal technology leaders need to ingest, monitor, analyze and search that data.
Wright joined host John Gilroy on this week’s Federal Tech Talk and talked about malicious code that burrows into these large data sets and waits for years to become active. He reviews some of the federal initiatives to prevent this ability to sit in a system for a long time without being detected.
You will also hear Wright’s opinion on whether the Cybersecurity Executive Order will create an environment where agencies can increase cyber hygiene.
Host John Gilroy of The Oakmont Group speaks the language of federal CISOs, CIOs and CTOs, and gets into the specifics for government IT systems integrators. Follow John on Twitter. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Podcast One.