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Federal unions have seen a roughly 20% increase in bargaining unit membership governmentwide, with close to 80,000 feds joining a union between 2021 and 2022.
The Office of Personnel Management launches a five-pronged strategy aiming to help agencies better adapt to the increasing prevalence of hybrid work for the federal workforce.
Loren DeJonge Schulman, who will replace Pam Coleman as OMB’s new associate director for performance and personnel management, will focus on federal workforce and evidence-based policy making priorities.
The White House’s Open Government National Action Plan contains five key themes, largely underscored by the administration’s emphasis on advancing equity in federal services.
Agencies’ ‘future of work’ plans, priorities in the President’s Management Agenda and hiring reform efforts defined 2022 for federal employees.
Biden administration officials point to “great strides” in agencies progress under the President’s Management Agenda, just after it hit its one-year anniversary.
The Justice Department gave agencies 180 days to provide an update on their progress toward making services and resources more accessible to individuals with limited English proficiency.
President Joe Biden picked 233 federal employees across 33 agencies as winners of the 2022 Presidential Rank Awards.
After implementing public feedback, the Office of Management and Budget published its final version of the governmentwide learning agenda.
Pam Coleman, OMB’s associate director of performance and personnel management, will step down from her position on Aug. 19 to pursue work in voting rights.
The Office of Management and Budget wants agencies to consider lessons learned from the pandemic in their upcoming office space plans.
With no mention of federal pay raise in the fiscal 2023 financial services and general government bill, House appropriators push forward the White House’s 4.6% proposal.
Agencies are expected to incorporate President's Management Agenda initiatives into their multi-year strategic planning, some of which, including the Commerce Department, had an easier time doing thanks to early insights from the Office of Management and Budget.
Getting information from a federal website or agency without difficulty is still not a reality for many Americans. USDA wants IT folks who can "speak" non-IT language.