
  • FEDtalk Tune in to FEDtalk this week for a discussion on the transition between college and government. The guests will cover how the federal government is currently struggling to recruit and retain young people in…

    August 07, 2019
  • FEDtalk The federal government is constantly evolving, and you want to evolve with it.  FEDtalk is here to help.  FEDtalk brings together the federal community on Federal News Network 1500 AM, every other Friday morning…

    July 22, 2019
  • FEDtalk Tune in to FEDtalk this week for a discussion of ethics and accountability in the federal government. The guests will cover the Professional Review process for government attorneys and other government ethics considerations. Host…

    June 21, 2019
  • FEDtalk Do you know what you are doing this summer? To find out what our National Parks have to offer, tune in to FEDtalk this Friday and start planning your trip! Co-hosts Julie Perkins and…

    June 05, 2019
  • FEDtalk Weighing the pros and cons of various insurance options can be difficult.  Tune into FEDtalk this Friday for a clear explanation of the long term planning and supplemental insurance options available to federal employees.…

    May 15, 2019
  • FEDtalk Last week, President Trump signed an executive order officially moving all security clearance functions under the purview of the Department of Defense.  To find out what this change means for the process, the backlog,…

    May 02, 2019
  • FEDtalk Even though senior leaders know they need to keep their skills sharp through continued development opportunities, finding the time, let alone the budget, for training and development is a constant challenge. This week on…

    April 18, 2019
  • FEDtalk What do you know about the 2020 Census? Tune in to FEDtalk this Friday, April 5 for a comprehensive discussion of the mission, planning, and execution of next year’s big count. Natalia Castro, Policy…

    April 03, 2019
  • FEDtalk It’s that time of year again–tax season. Tune in to FEDtalk this Friday at 11 am ET for a discussion on the most important things for federal employees and members of the public to…

    March 22, 2019
  • In the wake of the partial government shutdown, financial planning has been on the minds of federal employees everywhere. Tune in to FEDtalk this Friday at 11 am EST for a discussion on financial planning pre- and post-retirement.

    March 06, 2019
  • Presidents’ Day is the perfect opportunity for a trip through time to celebrate some of our nation’s formative leaders. This week on FEDtalk, historians will come together to discuss how our early presidents shaped the role of the executive and how that role continues to change over time.

    February 20, 2019
  • The U.S. borders have inundated news cycles in recent months. To find out what’s really going on, tune in to FEDtalk to hear a group of federal law enforcement professionals discuss what they experience at the border and what they need to do their mission.

    February 06, 2019
  • The National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service is wrapping up its first year.  The bipartisan, 11-member commission--created by Congress--seeks to inspire more young Americans to serve their country.  The group released their Interim Report on January 23rd, which outlines their progress and plans to date. 

    January 25, 2019
  • Even with a shutdown in place, there is much to discuss about the workings of the federal government as the new year begins. Tune in this Friday, January 11 for the first FEDTalk of 2019. A roundtable of guests will be providing the most up to date federal news while taking a look back on the successes, and failures, of 2018.

    January 10, 2019